Friday, April 13, 2012

284/366: The Hardest Part

I know.
There are thousands of people.
That spend months and years.
Apart from their loved ones.

So my 4 weeks.
Away from my husband.
Must seem like a drop in the bucket to them.
It's still hard to me.

He left this morning.
I'm so proud of him.
This is the beginning.
Of so many things.

He got in safely.
Had dinner with friends.
Got settled in his new place.

I camped out on the couch.
With mom.
Watched Ryan Gosling movies.
Ate bad Chinese.

2500 miles apart.
For the next 28 days.

Now the part.
I have been dreading all day.
Going to bed.
Without him.

I'll get through.
The first few days will be the worst.
And before I know it.
We'll be together.
In our new home.
And all will be right.
In my world.


  1. when my wife and i moved to the country i went before her to refurb this little shed and get some basic services ready......we were apart 3 weeks.....i had to do some seriously hard work in those days to get everything done before we had to move out of our house and make the trek...not as far as you by the sounds but deep into the bush in australia where there is nothing around....they were a hard 3 weeks but i drank red wine every night til i passed out and worked hard every day.....and here we are nearly 7 years later making our place in the bush.

    the 4 weeks will pass fast ...

  2. Thanks for the kind words! I'm hanging in there. My mom came out to stay with me while S and I are apart and it is helping tremendously. We'll get through. I just have to keep focusing on what's waiting for us on the other side of this 4 weeks and not on the time apart. Cheers! h.
