Monday, September 12, 2011

71/366: The Moon

Virtually every day.
I post at night.
The evening is my blogging hour.
Today, however.
Required an unplanned deviation.
From my normal schedule.

I have been stressed about today.
For several weeks.
The moon.
A big ball of light.
That should be EASY to photograph.

I am traveling for work today.
Unsure if I will have a good view.
Of that great ball of light.
From my hotel.

If there will BE a moon.
As we have had a beautiful full moon.
For several days now.
I had resigned myself to:
Figure. It. Out. 
When I reach my destination.

So this morning.
As I was wallowing in bed.
Trying to clutch on.
To those last few elusive moments of sleep.
I looked out the window and thought.
I wonder if the moon is still as bright.
Still as beautiful.
As it was last night.

I grabbed my camera.
Raced to our back porch.
Good Morning Moon!
With only a minute or so to spare.
I switched my lens.  
Fired off a few shots.
Played with my settings.  
A decent shot of the moon.
Harder than you think.

The second photo was taken less than five minutes later.
With the exact same settings on the camera.
Facing the opposite direction.
On quick shot.
Of the sunrise.
On the other side of my porch.
When I turned back to my beautiful moon.
It was gone.

Good Bye Moon.
Until we meet again...

1 comment:

  1. In Stephen Kings "The Stand" there is a mentally handicapped man who often confirms his understanding of some thing by spelling it. The problem is, he thinks everything is spelled M O O N.

    Over the course of the book he'll spot a truck and say "There's a truck! Truck is spelled MOON. Everyone knows that." It happens over and over with different things but they are always spelled MOON. It's endearing, funny and sad all at the same time.

    Late in the book, when the character is at his lowest point, he's alone in the desert. Up rises the full moon. Pondering it, he says "That's the moon, Moon is spelled MOON, everyone knows that."

    It made my eyes well up when, at his lowest point, he desperately needed something to go right and I thought you know what, you're right Moon is spelled moon. Everyone knows that.

    Thanks for reminding me of that great scene. Keep up the good work!
