Tuesday, November 15, 2011

135/366: A Stranger

Today is the last day.
Of the 105 Days of Fun Challenge.
I have enjoyed.
Photographing the topics.
Others suggested.
It was wonderful to try.
To put my own spin.
On an idea that was not my own.

Tomorrow I start.
The next leg of my journey.
I am excited.
To photograph whatever I chose.
Each day.
As I complete my 366 day adventure.

But for tonight.
I give you.
Day 135.
The last of the 105 Days of Fun...
A stranger.

My original thought.
To find someone.
Anyone interesting.
Ask them if I could.
Take a few snaps.
Share their smile with a few friends.

Then I stumbled upon this scene.
It spoke to me.
It was so publicly private.
I couldn't resist.
Grabbing my camera.
And capturing this moment.

I'm traveling for work.
I have a balcony.
That overlooks a courtyard.
With a fountain.

I spotted this man.
Just as I was heading back.
To the office.

I was so envious.
That I too.
Could work outside.
In the peaceful shaded courtyard.
Listening to the soothing calm. 
Of a nearby fountain.

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