Sunday, July 24, 2011

I Challenge You...

I am really digging the 30 day challenge that I chose to kick off Project 366.   I like it so much, I want to continue with structured assignments for the next little while. However, it isn't as much fun if I make up my own challenge.

So I'm asking for you to do it for me! 

Here is how it will work:

YOU:  leave comments here or on my facebook page with challenge ideas.  Each challenge should be something I can realistically accomplish/interpret in a day.  Feel free to leave 1 or 20 or a trillion (okay so a trillion is a lot more than I can accomplish in the next year, but you know what I mean). 

ME:  I will collect ideas until next Sunday 7/31.  On 8/1 I will randomly order them and post my next grouping of assignments.

Then check back each day to see what I do with your ideas.

Let the challenge commence...


  1. Do a picture like you see on the Dear Photograph. Basically find an old picture go to that spot hold the old photo and take a new one. Loving your blog!:)

  2. The moon, your shadow, water, something in motion, a stranger, favorite place in nature, on a roller coaster, tell a story.

    That's all I can think of now. Keep up the great posts, so fun to see/read! :)

  3. sparkle, fire, something in the wind. ok, now i'm done for now. I love thinking of ideas...

  4. Thanks!! These are fantastic ideas! I'm already scheming how I can get my camera on a roller coaster and safely put away before things get crazy. Hmmm... that may have to be an iPhone shot.

    Jen - this is brilliant! I have some old photos my mom took in the 70's of L.A. PERFECT!

  5. Disney details (you kind of did this, but they were so cool I want more!), emotions/expressions - such as on kids faces, flowers, something absurd

  6. Off the Disney idea you could do all the Mickey shaped heads you see. You could do an entire month dedicated to the hidden Mickey's of Disney!!:) or of kids like mine:)!!!!! If only you were closer I would love to have you do a session with them!:)

    Bridges, trees, your favorite receipe as you make it....

  7. Got here via Scooter McRad....

    Photographic image to illustrate something from a dream (a sleep dream, wasn't sure how best to word it).

    Something you've made.


    Panorama/composition with contrasts (good/bad, happy/sad, etc)

    Passage of time, history.

    Put a bird on it!

    Favorite movie, song, show..


    I'll see what else I can think of. Really enjoying your work and the blog. Great stuff.

  8. Love the favorite recipes as you make it idea! Food pics offer so many yummy options...

  9. ok:) a self portrait... here is the twist.. reinvent your favorite childhood photo... go to goodwill find a similar outfit do the same pose, and try to find a similar place {bathtub} old car, something like that.. then do a side by side:)!

  10. -recreate a scene from your favorite chapter in a book or scene in a movie
    -find a complete stranger to do a on the spot photoshoot

    good luck girlie...can't wait to see your outcome on all these fab ideas you are getting!!

  11. creative homeless people signs, take their pic and give them a granola bar :)

  12. Choose a favorite object or something you are really fond of & shoot it 15 different ways!

  13. Blondes, brunettes, redheads (friends AND strangers!), babies, patterns (unexpected ones on paver stones, sidewalks, bricks, etc), front doors, what you see on a walk in a 1 block radius of your house, storefronts, eyes, flowers, leaves, water (think of how many different types of water there are!), billboards, bugs, street signs...
